Privacy Policy


    Zeal Holdings Private Limited, a company registered under the Companies Act 2013 having its registered office at C 56, 3rd Floor, Sector 2 Noida, 201301, owns, manages and operates this platform under the brand name zeal holdings (hereinafter referred as “Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” which term includes Our affiliates, subsidiaries, group companies, associates and assigns).
    For the purposes of this privacy policy the term “User(s)” and wherever the context so requires “You”, “Your”, “Yourself” shall mean any natural or legal person who accesses or Uses the Portal (defined below) and in the event that a natural person is representing a business entity or a body corporate, reference to such terms shall include a reference to such business entity and/or body corporate as well and other promoters of such business entity and/or body corporate. All references to “You” shall include Yourself and any other persons You are authorised to and required to provide consent for.
    Zeal Holdings Private Limited including its affiliates and subsidiary companies has created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to demonstrate its commitment towards compliance with the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information), Rules, 2011 and other applicable law.
    The purpose of this Policy is to give You information on how the Company collects, stores, Uses, discloses, transfers and processes Your Personal Information (defined below) including Sensitive Personal Information (defined below) when: (a) You Use Our websites including (“Websites”), software applications or mobile applications including the Zeal Holdings application (“Apps”) or platform(s) of any of Our partners (“Platforms”) (Websites, Apps and Platforms shall collectively be the “Portal”), or (b) You avail any products or services which We may operate or offer to You either directly through the Portal or through a merchant or partner platform. This Policy also governs Our practices for collecting, Using, maintaining, protecting and disclosing Your User Information (defined below).
    The term “Websites” includes all pages that are sub-domains or are associated with or exist within each Website which are hosted by the Company. By accessing the Portal and/or Using products or services provided by Us directly or indirectly, You agree that You have read and understood, and agree to be bound by this Policy and Our Terms and Conditions. By Using the Portal, and/or having Used the products or services offered by Us directly or indirectly, in the past, present or future, You expressly and explicitly consent to Our Use and disclosure of Your User Information in accordance with this Policy. If You do not consent to these, We request that You do not Use or access Our Portal. You further acknowledge and accept that Your consent herein shall also be applicable to Your User Information (defined below) submitted to Us, directly or indirectly, in the past.
    It is strongly recommended for You to return to this page periodically to review the most current version of this Policy which is amended by Us from time to time.
    Your acknowledgment and consent
    This Policy applies only to the User Information (defined below) collected by Us on the Portal. By Your acceptance of this Policy, You explicitly consent to collection, storage, processing, handling and Use of such User Information, in accordance with this Policy (as amended from time to time).
    This Policy does not apply to information that You provide to, or that is collected by, any third-party, such as lenders/financing partners who provide credit facilities (“Financiers”), merchants from which You avail services and social networks that You Use in connection with Our services. We encourage You to consult directly with such third-parties about their privacy practices.
    Please read this Policy carefully to understand Our policies and practices regarding Your information and how it will be treated in accordance with this Policy.

    We collect various types of information from and about Users of Our Portal, including:
    “Personal Information”which includes any information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual, e.g., name, address, bank details etc., and is capable of uniquely identifying a person and/or the business entity that a person represents.

    “Sensitive Personal Information”means any Personal Information of an individual, which consists of information relating to passwords; financial information such as bank account, credit card, debit card or other payment instrument details;; sexual orientation; physical, physiological and mental health condition; and medical records and history. Information freely available or accessible in public domain is not treated as Sensitive Personal Information. Depending on who You are (e.g., a merchant, customer, cardholder, consumer, supplier or business partner) and how You interact with Us (e.g., through Website, Platform, App, telephone, IVR, API, online or offline), We may collect, Use, receive, store, analyze, combine, transfer or otherwise process different categories of Your Personal Information (including Sensitive Personal Information).
    Any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as Sensitive Personal Information for the purposes of this Policy.
    You provide Your explicit consent for collection of information, on Our Portal, which includes but is not limited to (“User Information”):

    • Your full name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth and bank or payment details and any proof of Your identity and/or address, postal code, profile picture, password and other information You may provide with Your account (including but not limited to, account holder, account name, account number, online banking PIN, available balance and transaction history as may be required by Us to facilitate Your use of the Portal), ITR, Tax Certificates or any other income documents as necessary by Us, such as Your gender, mobile phone number and Website and all other information, You may provide Us through third-party sign-in services such as Facebook and Google. In such events/ cases, We fetch and store whatever information is made available to Us by You through these sign-in services or otherwise;
    • Your preferences including settings such as time zone and language;
    • IP addresses, application, device or browser type, versions and configurations, operating systems, device brand and model, time zone setting, content, unique identifiers associated with Your device(s) and pages that You access on the Portal, and the dates and times that You visit the Portal, and paths taken;
    • Credit related information or assessment, credit information (and income information (e.g., employment contract, salary details, employer name, tax returns, bank account statements, income statements, balance sheet, cashflow statement), credit or score or reliability scores provided by third parties such as Our Financiers, financial institutions (including TransUnion CIBIL Limited and other credit bureaus) or account aggregators or similar third parties as permitted under applicable laws of India including Our business partners, independent service providers and Our group entities;
    • Information obtained through mobile devices to determine creditworthiness, etc. as per applicable law;
    • Financial information such as personal bank account numbers and bank account data including ACH, NEFT, IMPS and UPI ID details, , salary and income details;
    • Know Your Customer (KYC) information including all proofs of identity and address, photograph, Permanent Account Number (PAN), etc.;
    • Details of Your visits to the Portal, including but not limited to, Web logs and other communication data;
    • Information provided, uploaded, shared by You through Our Portal, including inter alia Your PAN details, TAN details, details of incorporation, government and business-related approvals/ consents/ licenses, tax certificates, invoices, reviews, photographs, comments, lists, followers, the Users You follow, current and prior purchase or browsing details, contact or notification information, and other information in Your account profile;
    • Your search details such as search terms You have looked up and results You selected;
    • Your browsing details including time, frequency, features Used, etc. by You;
    • Communications between You and other Financiers, merchants, and other third parties through Our Portal; participation by You in a survey, poll, sweepstakes, contest or promotion scheme; Your request for certain features (e.g., newsletters, updates or other products/ services);
    • Your communication with Us about employment opportunities posted;
    • The information provided by You such as ratings, reviews, tips, photos, comments, likes, bookmarks, friends, lists, etc. to be published or displayed on publicly accessible areas of Our Portal or transmitted to other Users of Our Portals or third- parties (collectively, "User Inputs"); and
    • Information collected through cookies.

    The User Information includes any Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information.
    You acknowledge and consent to the fact that certain third-party service providers such as partners, merchants, marketers, third-party Websites, researchers, financial organisation, bureau and verification agencies and other collection service providers may also collect and Use Your User Information through the Portal as per the terms of this Policy and the privacy policies of such third party service providers.
    Where possible, We indicate which fields are mandatory and which fields are optional to be filled on the Portal. You always have the option to not provide information by choosing not to submit particular information or feature on the Portal.
    Your User Inputs are posted on and transmitted to others at Your own risk. Please be aware that no security/ data protection measures are perfect or impenetrable. Additionally, We cannot control the actions of other Users of Our Portal with whom You may choose to share Your User contributions. therefore, We cannot and do not guarantee that Your User inputs will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. We may display this information on the Portal, share it with businesses, and further distribute it to a wider audience through third party sites and services. You should be careful about revealing any sensitive details about Yourself in such posting
    By Using the Portal, You consent to the collection, storage, and Use of the User Information that You provide for any of the services that We offer, and You consent to Our collection of any changes or updates that You may provide to the User Information. We collect only such User Information that We believe to be relevant for providing the services that You may require or request. We shall not be liable, for any reason whatsoever, for the authenticity of any User information provided by You to Us. You hereby represent, warrant and confirm that the User Information provided by You is and shall continue to be valid, true and accurate.
    We may collect User Information in the following ways:
    • directly or indirectly from You when You provide it to Us; and/or
    • as You navigate through Our Portal
    • the public domain; and/or
    • through independent third-party sources like Our Financiers, merchants, financial organisations, credit bureaus etc.
    • We collect User Information from You when You share Your Personal and/or Sensitive Personal Information with Us, when You apply for Our products or services directly with Us or through or third-party partners, when You register with Us, when You provide Your credit information to Us, when You enter a competition or marketing survey, when You give Us information to collect information through cookies, from publicly available sources in accordance with applicable laws, or when You access, Use and/or browse Our Portal. We may also obtain User Information from independent third parties including Our business partners, merchants, marketplaces, re-sellers, banks, payment partners, technology providers, e-commerce platforms, payment aggregators, payments systems, payment service providers and financial institutions, fraud prevention agencies, independent service providers and Our group entities, affiliates, associated Financiers etc. We may further obtain User Information from social platforms and networks when You give Us permission to do so either directly or through a cookie, and We may Use, collect, process or disclose this information in accordance with this Policy.
      You provide Your consent for collection of Your information from credit bureaus including but not limited to Experian/CIBIL/ CRIF/other agencies, and for checking, collecting retrieving and downloading Your information from the Central KYC registry for Your cKYC ID linked with Your PAN.
      We may also collect the following User Information automatically from Your use or access of the Portal:
      • Your server’s IP address from where the Portal is being accessed, the type of browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome etc.), the operating system of Your system and the Website You last visited before visiting the Portal, and Your computer, Internet connection and mobile device, other browsing information (connection, speed, connection type etc.), device type, device’s unique device identifier, mobile network information and the device’s telephone number;
      • Details of Your Use of Our Portal, including traffic data, logs and other communication data and the resources that You Use and access on or through Our Portal;
      • Unique mobile device identifier (e.g., IDFA or other device IDs on Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad), if You are Using Our Portal on a mobile device, We may Use mobile device IDs (the unique identifier assigned to a device by the manufacturer), instead of cookies, to recognize You. Unlike cookies, mobile device IDs cannot be deleted from records. We may share it with advertising companies, and they may Use device IDs to track Your Use of Our applications, track the number of advertisements displayed, measure advertising performance and display advertisements that are more relevant to You. We may also share it with analytics companies which may Use mobile device IDs to track Your Usage of Our applications/ Portal;
      • We may collect the information with a one-time consent from Your mobile device like device information (including storage, model, installed apps, Wi-Fi, mobile network) transactional and promotional SMS, communication information including contacts and call logs to provide customized offerings.
      • Other information relating to Your activity on the Portal, such as Your search queries, comments, domain names, search results selected, number of clicks, pages viewed and the order of those pages, how long You visited Our Portal, the date and time You Used the Portal, error logs, and other similar information
      • In case of mobile application Users, the online or offline status of Your application.

      We access Your phone resources or metadata only in compliance with applicable law.
      We only collect the User Information from the sources above in accordance with applicable law.

    To avail certain services from Financiers/ merchants/ service providers through Our Portal, We may require account information. Hence, by submitting Your account information through Our Portal, You expressly consent to the sharing of Your information with the sellers/ merchants, third-party payment processors, payment gateways, payment aggregators and other third-party service providers (including to vendors who provide fraud detection services to Us, Financiers and other third parties).
  • Purpose
    You explicitly provide Your consent for Use of Your User Information as follows:
    • To verify and authenticate Your identity;
    • To verify, authenticate and authorize Your Use of Our products or services, including for any risk management or portfolio management purposes;
    • To facilitate Your Usage of the Portal;
    • To do internal risk assessments and analysis;
    • To protect Our business and to ensure compliance with the law;
    • To facilitate Your access to and Use of Our products and services;
    • To connect You with Our Financiers/ merchants/ or other third parties;
    • To send You surveys and marketing communications that We believe may be of interest to You including offers of any third parties;
    • To carry out creditworthiness checks;
    • To analyse, conduct internal reviews, research, surveys and understand Our Users, improve the content and features of Our Portal,
    • To process and complete Your transactions;
    • To diagnose technical problems, provide support and help You in addressing troubleshooting problems;
    • To send and receive communications from You, show You advertisements and/or notifications;
    • To prepare reports, review, etc.;
    • To permit You to participate in interactive features offered through Our Portal;
    • To contact You regarding third party services and offers (including offers of any third parties), to understand Your preferences and requirements;
    • To improve the content and protecting the integrity of the Portal; and
    • To otherwise manage Our relationship with You.

    You agree and acknowledge that collection of Your User Information is necessary for the purposes above and the collection of Your User Information is in furtherance of a lawful purpose.

  • Disclosures
    You explicitly provide Your consent for disclosure of Your User Information as follows:
    • To comply with applicable laws or when required by law enforcement, government officials, fraud detection agencies, financial institutions or other third parties and when We are compelled to do so under applicable laws (such as via a subpoena, court order, regulatory query or similar procedure);
    • To Our affiliates, subsidiaries, group companies, related parties and other assigns to allow them to provide support services and technical services to Us and to receive some of these services from them and to provide support services and technical services to them; and to offer their products and services to You including offering combined products and services;
    • To Our partners, Financiers, merchants, contractors, independent service providers and other third-parties and persons who are bound by contractual obligations to keep User Information confidential and Use it only for the purposes for which We disclose it to them which are generally for jointly creating and offer products and services or to assist Us with Our business operations;
    • To Our associated entities, service providers, associated Financiers and assigns for the purposes of using or otherwise handling the KYC information received from the Central KYC Registry and the information received from account aggregator (NBFC- AA);
    • To other third parties and financial institutions and merchants in accordance with Our service agreements (also referred to as Our terms and conditions or contracts) whether directly or through a third party such as a payment aggregator or a referral partner;
    • To companies that We plan to merge with or entities that We may acquire or be acquired by subject to the provisions of applicable laws, in which situation We will require that the new combined entity or the acquired/ acquiring entity follows this Policy with respect to Your User Information;
    • Any person for maintaining security, operating platforms, to enquire or protect from any fraud, hacking;
    • To any third-parties for the purpose of enabling such entities to market and offer their products and services to You. We may also share Your User Information with such third parties and financial institutions to assist them in understanding Your interests, habits, and Usage patterns for certain programs, content, services, advertisements, promotions and such third parties and financial institutions may market and offer their products and services to You based on this.;
    • For any other purpose in connection with the above;
    • For enforcing or applying Our Terms and Conditions and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes;
    • To international entities We partner with for the offer and/or development of products and services subject to the requirements under this Policy and applicable laws. We ensure that every third party that is involved in the processing of Your User Information under a contract with Us has the required organizational and technical protections in place as may be required in accordance with applicable laws in India;
    • If the disclosure, in Our opinion, is necessary or appropriate to protect Our rights, property, or safety, customers or others. This will include exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction;
    • To grow Our business/ Portal and/ or help Us serve You and other Users better; and
    • Other than as prescribed under this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose any User Information to any external organization unless (i) we have obtained the consent of the User; or (ii) we are required by law to provide such information.

    Your User Information which collected for a particular purpose/Usage and shall be Used for that purpose only and shall not be Used for any other purpose without Your consent.
    We may store Your User Information for as long as the same is required for the fulfilment of purposes for which We collected it. The retention of User Information by the Company is determined by considering compliance with legal (contractual, statutory or regulatory requirements), accounting and compliance reporting requirements. We only store Your User Information in servers located in India. We do not store any biometric data.

    If Your User Information changes or is amended, You must correct, update or amend the User Information stored with Us, by making the relevant change on Your account or by contacting Our customer care at:
    In relation to the products and services provided by Us or by third parties with whom We share Your User Information as per this Policy, You may receive marketing communications from Us or such other third parties, by messages, or email or through other digital modes, on the Portal or such other platforms including social media platforms, or on such third party platforms websites and apps including social media platforms, if You have provided Us Your User Information. We may market Our own products or services including the products and services offered by Our group companies, affiliates, subsidiaries and the product and services being offered by third parties Using such communication. The provision of such marketing activities shall be in accordance with applicable laws. For the marketing activities done by Us, We execute contracts with Our merchants, service providers, banks or other third parties. You are entitled to opt out from receiving such marketing communication by writing to Us at
    We may also Use marketing and communications in order to improve and customize the content of Our ads, promotions and advertising that may be of interest to You.
    You can close Your account through a written request addressed to the Company’s representatives (as identified on the ‘Contact Us’ page on the Portal). We will remove Your public posts from view and/or dissociate them from Your account profile. We may retain information about You for the purposes authorized under this Policy unless prohibited by law.
    The Portal is not intended for Users under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from persons under the age of 18 (eighteen) years or market to or solicit information from anyone under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. If We learn that We collected the User Information of a minor, without first receiving a verifiable parental consent, We will take reasonable steps to delete the information in a manner consistent with applicable laws.
    The Portal may contain links to other site, which may not necessarily be under Our control. These third parties may collect, store or otherwise process Your User Information. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party Websites or services, and We are not responsible for any form of transmission, whatsoever, received by You from any third-party platform. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the information You choose to provide to these third parties or that is collected by these third parties. Under no circumstances shall We be deemed to control or guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, cookies, messages or other materials available on such platforms. We strongly encourage You to read such third parties’ privacy policies.
    If You decide to access any of the third-party sites linked to the Website, You do so entirely at Your own risk. Any links to any of Our third-party partners is the responsibility of the linking party, and We will not be responsible for notification of any change in name or location of any information on the Website.
    You hereby represent to Us that:
    • The User Information You provide to Us from time to time is and shall be authentic, correct, current and updated and You have all the rights, permissions and consents as may be required to provide such information to Us; and
    • Your provision of the User Information to Us, and Our consequent storage, collection, Usage, transfer, access or processing of the same shall not be in violation of any third-party agreement, laws, charter documents, judgments, orders and decrees.s
    We Use third-party advertising companies/ entities to serve advertisements when You visit Our Portal. These entities may Use information (not including Your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about Your visits to the Portal and other Websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to You.
    When You visit the Portal, one or more cookies will be sent to the computer/smartphone or other devices being Used by You and We and third parties that We partner with may collect the cookies. The cookies are either Used to improve the quality of the Portals or for storing Your preferences as a User, improving search results and tracking User trends. You have the option of disabling cookies via Your browser preferences. However, if You disable cookies on Your browser, some parts of the Portals may not function effectively.
    Information collected by cookies is anonymous information and is maintained distinctly and is not linked to the User Information You submit to Us. You may encounter cookies or other similar devices on certain pages of the Portal that are placed by third parties. We do not control the Use of cookies by third parties and shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever for these third party cookies. We advise You to check their privacy policies for information about third parties’ cookies and other practices. We do not control the practices of such third parties/ partners and their privacy policies/ cookies policies which govern their interactions with You.
    To prevent any form of unlawful interception or misuse of User Information, We Use reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the User Information collected. We Use reasonable, secure and technologically appropriate measures to protect You against loss or misuse of Your User Information including internal reviews of data collection, storage and processing practices and other reasonable security measures which are equivalent to security measures that Company Uses to protect its own confidential information.
    We have implemented technical and organizational measures designed to secure Your personal confidential, personal sensitive and commercial information from accidental loss and unauthorized access, Use, alteration or disclosure. Also, We have been certified by ISO 27001 ISO/IEC 27001:2013, which is the international standard for management of information security and provides a systematic approach to keep sensitive company information secure. Security breaches, if any will be handled by Us as per security incident response procedure formulated as part of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) implementation and as may be amended from time to time. A copy of the same can be obtained by making a request to customer care.
    However, no method of transmission over the internet or via mobile device, or method of electronic storage, is 100% (one hundred percent) secure. Therefore, while We strive to Use commercially acceptable means to protect Your User information, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.
    You should not share Your User name, password, OTP, or other security information relating to Your account with anyone. If We receive instructions Using Your User name and password, We will consider that You have authorized the instructions. You agree and confirm that Your User Information may be transferred, processed and stored. You hereby confirm that You have been made aware of the security measures undertaken by Us and You expressly consent to Us storing, handling, Using Your User Information. Further, You agree that You shall not engage in any activity of data scraping or data crawling on the Portal and Usage of Web crawling or Web scrapping software for accessing the Portal would be considered to be unauthorised access.
    All content on Our Portal, including graphics, text, icons, interfaces, audio clips, logos, images, reviews, comments and software is the property of the Company and/or its content suppliers and is protected by Indian and international copyright laws and other applicable intellectual property laws. Any Use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance, of the content on this Portal can only be made with the express written permission of the Company. All other trademarks, brands and copyrights other than those belonging to the Company, belong to their respective owners and are their property. You shall not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials You have printed off or downloaded in any way on or from the Portal, and You must not Use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text. You must not Use any part of the content on Our Portal for commercial purposes without obtaining a written licence to do so from Us or Our licensors. If You print off, copy or download any part of Our Portal in breach of the terms hereof, Your right to Use Our Portal will cease immediately and You shall, at Our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials You have made.
    If Your information is submitted to Us through Our Portal when applying for a position with the Company, the information will be Used to consider Your application. We may retain Your information for any period of time. This information may be shared with other companies for the purpose of evaluating Your qualifications for the particular position or other available positions, as Well as with third-party service providers retained by Us to collect, maintain and analyze candidate submissions for job postings
    This Policy may be changed or amended from time to time to reflect changes in the law, Our data collection and Use practices, the features of Our services, or advances in technology. The most recent version of this Policy will be published on Portal. This Policy is subject to change at any time without notice to You. We reserve the right to update, modify and amend any terms of this Policy. Please check this page periodically for changes. We will notify You of any material changes to this Policy by publishing the same on Our Portal. We shall not be liable for any failure or negligence on Your part to review the updated Policy before accessing or availing the Portal for availing the services. Your continued Use of the services following the posting of changes to this Policy will constitute Your consent and acceptance of those changes. If You do not consent to the changes in the Policy, You must stop Using Our services and notify Us.
    Notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy or elsewhere, We shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of Your User Information, or any failure to perform any of Our obligations, if such loss, damage, failure or misuse is attributable to a Force Majeure Event and in such case, Our obligations shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure Event continues.
    “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event that is beyond Our reasonable control and shall include, without limitation, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, pandemic (including the Covid-19 pandemic), computer hacking, technical snags, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, technical snags and breach of security and encryption.
    This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and subject to the provisions of arbitration set out herein, the courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Policy.
    If any dispute arises between Us and You in connection with or arising out of the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of any provision of the Policy, such dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The dispute shall be resolved through arbitration by 1 (one) arbitrator and the seat of the arbitration shall be New Delhi, India. The language of the arbitration proceedings and of all written decisions and correspondence relating to the arbitration shall be English.
    By acceptance of this Policy, You agree to be bound by the governing law and mechanism of dispute resolution above.
    Some web browsers have a “Do Not Track” feature. This feature lets You tell websites You visit that You do not want to have Your online activity tracked. These features are not yet uniform across browsers. Our sites are not currently set up to respond to those signals.
    Where a User Information breach is likely to result (in Our opinion), in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, it will be reported in compliance with applicable laws.
    “Phishing” Usually occurs when Users of a website are induced by an individual/entity into divulging sensitive User Information by Using fraudulent websites and/ or e-mail addresses. In the event You provide information to a website or respond to an e-mail which does not belong to Us or is not connected with Us in any manner, You will be a victim to Phishing. We do not send e-mails requesting a User for payment information, Username or passwords. However, We may verify the User name, password etc. provided by You from time to time.
    We have taken every effort to ensure that this Policy adheres with the applicable laws. The invalidity or unenforceability of any part of this Policy shall not prejudice or affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Policy. This Policy does not apply to any information other than the information collected by Us through the Portal. This Policy shall be inapplicable to any unsolicited information You provide Us through the Portal or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, information posted in any public areas of the website / app. All unsolicited information shall be deemed to be non-confidential, and We shall be free to Use and/ or disclose such unsolicited information without any limitations.
    The Company makes no representation that the content contained on the Portal is appropriate or to be Used or accessed outside of India. If the Users Use or access the Portal from outside India, they do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of such jurisdiction. The mere fact that the Portal can be accessed through the internet by You in a country other than India will not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern the terms of this Policy and/or Use of the Portal.
    The rights and remedies of available under this Policy may be exercised as often as necessary and are cumulative and not exclusive of rights or remedies provided by law. It may be waived only in writing. Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any such right or remedy does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, or any other right or remedy.
    If You have any questions about: (i) this Policy; (ii) practices of this Portal, or (iii) Your dealings with this Portal if You reach out to Us at: This Policy must be read in conjunction with the other agreements You may enter into with Us and the Terms and Conditions as published by Us on Our Portal.
    In the event You have any queries regarding this Policy or any grievance, with respect to the User Information or Your privacy shall be addressed to :
    For Zeal Holdings
    The Grievance Redressal Officer
    Zeal Holdings Private Limited
    C 56, 3rd Floor, Sector 2 , Noida, 201301
    To the attention of: Vikas Garg

    You may address any grievances You may have in respect of this Policy or Usage of Your User Information to him/her
    Subject to Our Terms and Conditions, We may suspend or terminate Your Account or Your Use of this Portal at any time, for any reason or for no reason, provided that there is no outstanding credit provided by any of Our Financiers. You are personally liable for any charges incurred through Your account prior to termination. We reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspects of this Portal at any time without notice.
    Please note that if You revoke any mandatory permissions or revoke the consent to process and store information such as Your Account data, financial and KYC information and/or any other information needed to facilitate Your access to the loan facilities offered by Our Financiers, then We may have to cease the provision of services to You. You cannot withdraw Your consent once You have availed a credit facility Using the Portal till You have repaid the entire outstanding amount and all related charges in its entirety to such Financier.
    We shall not be liable in case You breach any terms or conditions provided under this Policy and will not be obligated to indemnify You for any direct or indirect losses accruing to You. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Us, Our affiliates, group companies and their directors, officers, employees, agents, third party service providers, and any other third party providing any service to Us in relation to the services whether directly or indirectly, from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements in connection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) asserted against or incurred by Us that arise out of, result from, or may be payable by virtue of, any breach or non-performance of any terms of this Policy including any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made or obligation to be performed by You pursuant to the Policy.
    We seek to provide reasonable assistance to cater to requests from individuals regarding the processing of their User Information and the right to amend their User Information and withdraw permission to the processing of their User Information. In accordance with applicable laws and as per Our policies, You can exercise the following rights:
    • Review, Correct or Rectify Your User Information: You can ask Us to have inaccurate User Information We process about You, reviewed, fixed or changed in the time frame as specified in the applicable law.
    • Right to withdraw Your consent: You may withdraw a consent to processing that You have given Us and prevent further processing of Your User Information. You may also withhold Your consent prior to the collection and processing of Your User Information.
    • Right to access: You may request record of Your User Information being processed by Us, upon the verification of Your identity.
    • Delete or forget Your User Information: You may request that the User Information collected by Us, is deleted or forgotten by Us.

    If You have availed any credit facilities from Our associated Financiers, such Financiers shall have the right to continue processing Your User Information until such credit facility has been repaid in full, along with any interest and dues payable and/or for such period as may be allowed under applicable law, and You provide Your explicit consent for the same.
    Please submit a request at if You would like to exercise any of the above rights. These rights are limited in some situations, such as where We are legally or otherwise bound to process or retain Your User Information. Please note that this may also affect Our ability to process or enable Your User Information and may therefore lead to the discontinuation of those services or products for which this User Information was being Used for, at Our sole discretion.
    Data Retention, Sanitisation and Destruction:
    We retain Your User Information for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. This means that We retain different categories of data for different periods of time depending on the type of data, the category of user to whom the data relates, and the purposes for which we collected the data. As stated above, You may request deletion of Your information submitting a request at Following an account deletion request, We delete Your data, unless they must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue relating to You or Your data is pending. We may also sanitize Your User Information if requested. Sanitization refers to the general process of removing data from hard drives or other storage media so that data may not be easily retrieved and reconstructed. When You request Your User Information is deleted, we destroy Your User Information by decommissioning the hardware on which it is stored. If a hardware device on which Your User Information is unable to be decommissioned, the device will be physically destroyed in accordance with industry standard practices.
    If You request that We delete Your User Information, it may take at least 90 (ninety) days to delete your information after We begin the deletion process or receive a content deletion request. After the information is deleted, it may take us at least another 90 (ninety) days to remove it from backups and disaster recovery.

    We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this Portal. You understand and expressly agree that to the extent permitted under applicable laws, in no event will the Company or any of its affiliates or group companies or any of their respective officers, employees, directors, shareholders, agents, or licensors be liable to You or anyone else under any theory of liability (whether in contract, tort, statutory, or otherwise) for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of revenues, profits, goodwill, Use, data or other intangible losses (even if such parties Were advised of, knew of or should have known of the possibility of such damages), resulting from: Your Use of the Portal or any parts thereof; (ii) unauthorized access to or alteration of Your transmissions or data; (iii) any other matter relating to the services; including, without limitation, damages for loss of Use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with availing of the services.
    We have endeavoured to ensure that all the information provided by Us and/or by third party service providers on the Portal is correct, We neither warrant nor makes any representations regarding the quality, accuracy or completeness of any data or information displayed on the Portal. We make no warranty, express or implied, concerning the Portal and/or its contents and disclaim all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and warranties of merchantability in respect of information displayed and communicated through or on the Portal, including any liability, responsibility or any other claim, whatsoever, in respect of any loss, whether direct or consequential, to You or any other person, arising out of or from the Use of any such information as is displayed or communicated through or on the Portal.
    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, You hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy to seek and/or obtain injunctive or other equitable relief or any order with respect to, and/or to enjoin or restrain or otherwise impair in any manner, the production, distribution, exhibition or other exploitation of the Company or any of its affiliate or group company related project, or the Use, publication or dissemination of any advertising in connection with such project.
    Your sole and exclusive remedy for any dispute with Us shall be to discontinue the Use of the Portal and the services.

Head Office

2nd Floor, Plot-11,12, Ambergari Village,
Sec 19, Dwarka,
New Delhi
